Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Shopping & Markets in Papua New Guinea

The capital of Port Moresby has duty free shops and several excellent craft outlets, which stock artefacts from around the country. PNG Arts at the Gordon’s end of Spring Garden Road, Hanuacraft, near the junction of Spring Garden Road and Waigani Drive, and Beyond Art (downtown Port Moresby) have a wide range of items, with many handcrafted items produced in a traditional village environment. Visitors can also try the Gordons or Koki markets for cheaper crafts such as bilums (string bags). Locals also sell handcrafts from the street outside the Port Moresby Travelodge.

A market held at Ela Beach School on the last Saturday of every month, starting at 8am, usually has a great selection of carvings, baskets and paintings along with shells and other local crafts. Get there early. For paintings by Joseph Siune, try the Travelodge or Beyond Art in the Hugo Building, Boroko.

Both Port Moresby and the larger provincial capitals have a reasonable range of shops and services, including supermarkets and markets. Remember that Saturday is a half-day for most shops and virtually every shop is closed on Sunday, so buy what you need the night before.


There are markets in all the provincial capitals. The market is a focal point of local life and provides a meeting place for traders from all over the province. You’ll find many exotic varieties of fruit and vegetables, as well as birds, animals and handcrafts. The main markets open for business from 7am to 5pm every day except for Sunday. East New Britain boasts some of the most colourful and bustling markets in the country, with a wide selection of fruit and vegetables, and an interesting collection of shell jewellery, wicker baskets and bamboo combs. -

Source - See more at: http://www.jasons.com/papua-new-guinea/shopping-and-markets-in-papua-new-guinea#sthash.7Xg8Vuit.dpuf

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